Sunday, December 28, 2008

First Post

Life is full of surprises and the most surprising thing in my life right now is starting this blog. It's not that I'm uncomfortable with the technology. I'm just more of a face to face conversationalist. Here's the truth of it. I'm running for a spot on the ALSC (America Library Services to Children) Sibert Committee, and I've joined the blogosphere in the hope that ALSC members will get to know me and vote for me. I'll be expressing my opinions about books, reading and the use/misuse of award books. And as a librarian, mom, aunt and grandma, I have very strong feelings about how to encourage kids to read in this distracting world of ours. So even if you aren't a member of ALSC but you're interested in kids books, kids reading and possibly, in the life of a retired librarian (which is pretty exciting these days), I welcome you to my blog. Maybe I'll like this blogging business because .... life is full of surprises.